Debriefing: Accommodation

With the costs for inland travel well under control, the next important spending category are the places to stay. On the tracks, DOC huts and camping sites are on the agenda, but then the question arises as to whether to take up a membership in a campground club such as Top Ten, or a hostel organisation such as BBH or YHA. As I have pointed out before, it doesn’t make much sense to join more than one organisation, because you are rarely going to be there for long enough to justify two. After all you will first have to buy their card, and then the discounts per stay are fairly modest, so that only really loyalty pays off.

As for the DOC huts and campsites, they have to be divided into those that can be used without booking or any further charge when you have a Backcountry Pass ($92, valid for six months), and the Great Walks Huts/Campsites and Northland special huts which require both booking and payment. I managed to stay in nine huts on the pass, which would have cost $115 individually, so the pass was worth it, and it is a nice souvenir. Read more…
