49. Mt Somers – Sharplin Falls

Redwood Lodge
Saturday, March 23: Sunny at first, later clouding the western half of the sky
GPS Tour

Not up so early this morning and had a bit of a frog in my throat and about half a cold. Was out of here just after 10 to attempt the mountain, but was feeling so poorly that I could only see how far I could get.

The Mt Somers carpark was relatively well populated & I donned my boots and set off up the hill. A bit of mud to begin with and there were about three rather steep sections to get on top of the ridge which gradually ascended. Went along this for as long as I was feeling OK but all the muscles were hurting, and at the turn off after just over an hour decided to turn back. Lovely but uncapturable views of the Banks Peninsula and the hedged farmland on the plains that seemed to go on forever.

Sharplin Falls at the base of Mt Somers

Sharplin Falls at the base of Mt Somers

Back down at the carpark had my cheese sandwiches and nectarine, took a strepsils, and continued on to the waterfall. Track was in very good condition and managed a couple of brackets. The coolness of the waterfall became apparent on the way back as it started to warm up.

GPS Tour: Mt Somers, Sharplin Waterfall

Once at the backpackers had a shower and then took a snooze. Was feeling a little better afterwards and drove into town for a pub meal at the Brown Pub – sausages (three), mash, peas, onions, gravy for $16. Was a bit lukewarm, but very filling.

Computer has been working all day on the Mt Cook pictures, and I see that TV channel 3 has two episodes of CSI on tonight, which I must watch. And which I did watch. The style is quite different to the German translation; very laconic sentence structures and some of the voices have very different characters which would be impossible to translate. Computer had finished the Mt Cook pictures before bedtime.

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