55. Mangawhai – Auckland (New Lynn)

Monday, April 6: Somewhat cloudy, clearing, still very warm

Marie’s (airbnb, $28)

The sun rising earlier was very noticeable this morning, but I stayed in bed until after 8:00 and then had what remained of the tramping breakfast – two muesli bars – with a toasted ham sandwich & coffee and vitamin solution for breakfast. Beki was very chatty and I was in no hurry to go (well, only insofar as I didn’t want to wait until the traffic into Auckland started piling up) and was eventually ready to go after giving her a couple of tips (sliding door in my bedroom which is off its rails, the blockage of the bathroom sink, and sticking black cardboard to the translucent bedroom doors to make them more opaque to the light coming from both the sunrise and from visitors using the living room after she had gone to bed – or vice-versa).

Then it was down the winding old road and bypass of Wellsford to the SH 1. I made a stop in Warkworth to recycle some cans, have some lemonade and take a look at the New World supermarket to see what their prices are like. This is the only major NZ supermarket to have virtual shopping unavailable, and right they are, because they are the most expensive chain. Just at the beginning of Warkworth the traffic had piled up a bit and getting around the bypass was slow, but once out of town everything was fine again until Auckland where there was a slow-down where the free route merges with the motorway, and then again near Albany.

Managed to find my way through that gigantic interchange in the middle of Auckland. At one point a police car right next to me blew its horn to make room for itself; at first I couldn’t work out where it was, and then slowed down to let it pass. Got out at the Great North Road, and managed to stay on it (and not turn into Ash/Rata St – the only time where GoogleMaps seemed to be right with tricky directions) and to the New Lynn Mall where I bought my vegemite, and some corned beef for lunch. Was then soon at Marie’s, where she and her son C. held back the cheeky little dogs for my welcome.

I made my lunch and then set off on the finalising process. The washing that had to be done could be done here for a couple of dollars, and the internet was working but limited, so I set about ordering a taxi for tomorrow and the train ticket for the final step. The train ticket came through rather easily, but the taxi seemed to require special attention. After a couple of minutes that, too, was in the green zone so I set the computer up to process yesterday’s images.

With the washing hung up I gathered together the clothes that were not leaving the country, and asked C. where a clothing bin was but his instructions were very vague. I set off down Titirangi Rd and there was a bin (which could have been the one meant by C.) outside a superette – very full – but the stuff had to go. Then I went back towards the Great North to try to find somewhere to print out my train ticket and found an internet “café” just as I turned into that road, and they did the job for 50c. Then it was to the Mobil station to wash the car for $12 (not very effective), vacuum it for $2 (a little more so) and fill it up, although the full trigger indicated that the tank was indeed full, and the consumption is in agreement with the amount filled, the fuel gauge doesn’t quite show full. Oh, and if there is a fuel discount associated with washing or vacuuming the car, then apply for it immediately.

One by one the cookies are crumbling. Back here the clothes were drying well enough, and I transferred everything from the car and started sorting things. Still some stuff to throw away, and I hope I can give the tent away. Surely I must have less than what I arrived with! The cooker and the cooking set that I gave to Yeti; a good kilogram of clothes; the books that were given away (3 kg); the tent and the bed roll. If my luggage is not under 23 kg, I’ll cry.

Not much in the way of eateries around here, although there were a couple of dairies – had set my sights on a roast for the last night, but the roast place wasn’t open, so I opted for a steak and cheese & a bacon and egg pie (special 2 for $3) from the dairy next door. Returned in the twilight & soon after Marie was back. Shaved, showered, and am spending the final hours chatting with my hosts.

Two new guests – Welsh – Craig & Amy – are staying in their camper in the back garden.No 1