Tag Archives: CHDK

CHDK continued

After discovering this wonderful way of turning inexpensive digital cameras into exquisite photographic instruments of many times the price, I have continued to develop my use of CHDK, and CHDK has continued to develop itself, with the releases of versions 1.2 and 1.3. This means that I have been back to their wiki every now and then to make some improvements to the writing (although never as much as I hoped I could do), and, occasionally, discovering something new.

This trip will feature time lapses as a major project. I have detailed the problems of getting long time lapse sequences to stay focussed throughout the whole sequence. This done, there remained the question of initialising the camera for the time lapse shoot. Unfortunately some of the kayaking sequences shot last autumn turned out to be of limited use because either the camera had been accidentally turned off, or the settings were not suitable for the shoot (e.g. ISO set too high). Read more…

On Kayaks and Cameras

After getting the kayaking under control, the next question that arose was, “How to photograph it?” I felt reminded a little of what Matt from Christchurch had said about horse riding and how it enhances viewing the countryside because you are no longer forced to look at the ground for most of the time. The horse is taking care of that. Now kayaking offers a very different landscape than most hiking because of the lack of obstacles. Nor do you really have to care where to place the paddle, and the view is mostly directed forward to the goal. True, sitting on a river means that you are at the lowest point on the landscape and much of the lower view is obstructed by the bank. But even banks can be pleasant to look at. Read more…