Tag Archives: Papkura

47. Papakura – Auckland – Ruawai

Sunday, March 29: Rain at first clearing to cloudy through to sunny with a shower or two

Tramping: Tokatoka, 0.6 km (return)

Peter & Sara’s (airbnb, $50)

It was pouring when I got up, and I had my breakfast and was finished well before Michelle got up. I was in no hurry and it was raining so I leisurely packed my stuff. In time she was up and under the shower; then I gave her a copy of the book and was off to Tom’s.

Bella watching the sheep from Tokatoka
Was there pretty much on the dot of 11:00 and Cather & the boys were still collecting their stuff for the day’s programme. Charlotte was very enthusiastic and had to be taken outside. Eventually all were ready to leave and Tom & I went down to Takapuna to a very posh place with all-organic, gluten-free etc. stuff for brunch. Tom had some scrambled eggs and I opted for the chilli chicken on ciabatta, both with flat whites. Read more…