Tag Archives: Korokoro Falls

37. Waiopaoa – Whanganui Bay: Waikaremoana Great Walk 3/4

Thursday, March 19: Cloudy at first with variations during the day; some sun

Tramping: Waikaremoana Great Walk, Waiopaoa – Marauiti – Waiharuru – Whanganui Bay: 26.6 km

Whanganui Bay Hut (DOC, $32)

I was up with the sun and fairly much ready to go within an hour or so. Hadn’t got much sleep due to the snorers (but some at least, when they turned on their sides they were silent) and not even the earplugs were very effective. At least it had not been cold, so that t-shirt and spiderman outfit were not really both necessary. Testimony for a €15 sleeping bag. Read more…