15. North-West Circuit 8

Mason Bay – Freshwater River, 14.0 km
Sunday, February 17: Drizzle overnight, cloudy in the morning, clearing to blue skies by afternoon
GPS Tour
Cheeky Stewart Island Robin (Petroica australis rakiura)

Cheeky Stewart Island Robin (Petroica australis rakiura)

Most people were in bed or on their way by the time that the sun set. I was sharing with the Hong Kong couple who had gone to bed an hour or so previously; she was the only snorer but her snores grew weaker the longer the night. I was about the first to be up and finished with breakfast, then tried demonstrating the bracketed panorama to anyone who cared – that was mainly Julia (together with her lieutenant, Katrin I had had long discussions with yesterday evening and continued at breakfast). Then they were gone and I still needed to throw a few things into the pack, get a satellite fix and start my own day. Continue reading

14. North-West Circuit 7

View from the deck at Mason Bay hut

View from the deck at Mason Bay hut

Big Hellfire – Mason Bay, 17.0 km
Saturday, February 16: Fog, patches of drizzle; on the beaches strong winds; some brighter periods
GPS Tour

Up at around 8:00 and had two eggs, three muesli bars & a strong coffee for breakfast of the hardest day. The day was not looking promising but after sending off my signal with the spot tracker, I bid farewell to Bob & Ken, who were also leaving, and took off up the track. Continue reading