Epilogue: A Wicked Wee Time

Thanks to old friends Tom Bishop and Rayna Ramsay for organising some functions for me in Auckland; Hamish Spencer for getting the ball rolling in Dunedin and to new friends Shinichi Nakagawa, Jenny Rock, Katie Brockie for organising the three lectures in Dunedin (for Zoology, Skeptics in the Pub called the Church, and Science Communication) and to Michael Edmonds for organising the talk in Christchurch (Skeptics in the Pub, but their pub has fallen down, so it was Skeptics at CPIT, with the pub for pizza and beer afterwards). To all those who attended my talks and demonstrated that they could think: congratulations. Continue reading

Ticketing 2

Hen’s teeth. Screenshot from Jan 17, showing three (!) free places on the Milford. Ready, set, go!

Hen’s teeth. Screenshot from Jan 17, showing three (!) free places on the Milford. Ready, set, go!

Well, it turned out opodo had its disadvantages after all. As I suspected, there was no Rail&Fly for the return leg; half an hour of telephone queue was necessary to order one, with a special “late fee” added. All in all, R&F might have advantages for the traveller and the environment, but in practice it sucks massively, and a discounted train ticket for the journey to Frankfurt and an ordinary ticket for the return are not much more expensive. As some research on opodo’s booking system shows, R&F can be automatically booked for a “simple” return flight, but as soon as there is a leg outside Germany (as in a Y-flight), R&F is no longer available for subsequent legs, even if they do end here. Hey, no worries, the internet was only invented yesterday, right? Continue reading