27. Abel Tasman Coastal Track 3

Awaroa – Whariwharangi (17.8 km)
Friday, March 1: Cloudy at first, clouding over then clearing in the course of the afternoon
GPS Tour
Youtube Video

Alarms went off on the dot of 6:00 and as I had gotten some sleep due to the relative paucity of snorers I was up fairly soon after the first ones.

Awaroa Crossing in the early morning

Awaroa Crossing in the early morning

The estuary was fairly clear of water and a number of people were already on their way across by the time I was ready to go, including some people going down the estuary to look for an easier passage (rather than up which would have been more promising). Continue reading

26. Abel Tasman Coastal Track 2

Bark Bay – Awaroa (14.2 km)
Thursday, February 28: Sunny all the day, a couple of clouds in the afternoon
GPS Tour
Youtube Video 1, Videos 2 & 3

Was awoken by some giggle girls at around 6:30 who were throwing billies around. Had my breakfast, washed and was keeping an eye on the lagoon to see when water might be entering it. A girl asked to use my gas can which I gave her; then I discovered an abandoned one on one of the aluminium benches, which we swapped when she returned mine. Packed up all my stuff except the camera and then headed across the still dry lagoon for today’s shoot. Continue reading